Silver Websites client pricing details

Since launching Silver Websites in 2014 we have always been focused on providing an affordable and reliable quality website service for our clients.  Recently we have faced increased costs in several areas, including rising costs from our hosting provider and the impact of inflation on skilled labour costs.  Our hosting provider has also now changed their supplier model and no longer provides an unlimited storage solution, instead giving a set cost for disk space and bandwidth.

With the above in mind, we have reviewed our cost structure accordingly and this is now as follows :

(prices effective as of August 2024 and reviewed annually)

Website (and email) hosting and care package

Includes :
- Up to 3Gb disk space and optional email hosting (500Mb needs to be allocated to the website)
- 15 minutes freelance time a month for software/plugin updates, website checks and tech support
- Litespeed Page Cache and Redis (software to increase website speeds)
- Allocated 512Mb and 1 CPU Core (sufficient for most websites)
- Daily website backups
- SSL security certificate
N.B. the hosting is UK-based and powered by 100% renewable energy.

Annual fee is £380/year. This can be paid on a monthly basis instead for £34/month.

Optional boosted hosting (allocated 2Gb RAM and 2 CPU Cores) for more demanding sites for an additional £125 a year or £11/month)

Additional 3Gb disk space allocations can be added to the package for an extra £100/year (or £9/month)

Monthly retainer packages

Dedicated freelance time each month (for website changes/additions, search engine optimisation etc.)

1 hour a month for £70
2 hours a month for £130
3 hours a month for £180

N.B. this time can be paid annually instead with a 10% discount (e.g. 12 hours a year for £702).

Domain name registration/renewal

UK domain names (, .uk etc.) for £30/year
Other domain names (.com etc.) for £40/year

Build Costs

£400 for 1 page starter

Ball park for normal sites = £300 + £150 per page after. E.g. 5 page = £900.

Freelance hourly rate

Our hourly freelance rate is £70/hour for existing clients and £90/hour for non-clients.

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